Who we are and how to join
What are the Friends all about?
The Friends of Ledbury Parish Church (FOLPC) is a charity (registration number 504823), founded in 1963, which has the following objectives:
· To promote interest in the church and its buildings (including the detached tower) and their Christian purposes
· To encourage the preservation, maintenance and improvement of these buildings
· To raise money to enable all of this
In seeking to achieve these objectives, we want people to enjoy themselves! To this end, we have an annual programme of activity which includes talks about interesting features of the church, social events, guided tours and performances. The programme for 2021 – 2022 can be found here. We also oversee the rota of volunteer stewards who welcome visitors to the church during the week.
· To promote interest in the church and its buildings (including the detached tower) and their Christian purposes
· To encourage the preservation, maintenance and improvement of these buildings
· To raise money to enable all of this
In seeking to achieve these objectives, we want people to enjoy themselves! To this end, we have an annual programme of activity which includes talks about interesting features of the church, social events, guided tours and performances. The programme for 2021 – 2022 can be found here. We also oversee the rota of volunteer stewards who welcome visitors to the church during the week.
How do you become a member?
You do not have to be a member of FOLPC to attend events. The benefits of membership are that there is a discount for members for certain events, and that we will send bulletins from time to time to update you about what is going on. Members have the right to attend and vote at the AGM each Autumn. There is also a summer social event for members alone.
Membership is open to anyone. The church is part of the cultural and historical legacy of Ledbury, and it belongs to all whether or not they are Christians or attend services. Membership costs just £5.00 per year. We ask those joining to fill out a simple membership form. If you already donate regularly to the church through standing order or the Parish Giving Scheme, we do not ask you to pay an additional membership fee. You must, however, still complete a membership form. You can download a form here.
Bank details:
Account name: The Friends of Ledbury Parish Church Account No: 01493427 Sort Code: 30-94-14
A Gift Aid form is available here. Extra funds gained in this way all help to increase our resources.
Membership is open to anyone. The church is part of the cultural and historical legacy of Ledbury, and it belongs to all whether or not they are Christians or attend services. Membership costs just £5.00 per year. We ask those joining to fill out a simple membership form. If you already donate regularly to the church through standing order or the Parish Giving Scheme, we do not ask you to pay an additional membership fee. You must, however, still complete a membership form. You can download a form here.
Bank details:
Account name: The Friends of Ledbury Parish Church Account No: 01493427 Sort Code: 30-94-14
A Gift Aid form is available here. Extra funds gained in this way all help to increase our resources.